Goodbye You Fucking People

As of April 16th, 2010 this website will nolonger be accessible via the web address I initially purchased the domain, YouFuckingPeople, with great notions of a website filled with caustically entertaining rantings about... Well, about you fucking people, of course. Complaining about your many retardations seemed to come natural to me and I figured I might as well go into the business. Almost immediately thereafter however, I soured completely on the idea, judging it an unhelpful enabling device for my worst qualities: bitterness, self-segregation, and a whole slew of other negative habits I'd hoped to curb, generally. I recanted, changed the site's title, and made the YouFuckingPeople domain into a hidden redirect. (Fat lot of good it did me, eh?)

I am choosing not to renew the domain. So any of you who've been accessing these pages via will need to start coming in the main gate: ...At least until another whim hits me and I change things up again, invalidating all my page rankings and confusing my many devoted reader.

So heads-up you motherfucking asshole fucker people bitches. Say! That sounds like a good name for a book!


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