I've been using Jungle Disk for some time now to backup my data to Amazon's S3. I've formed a less-than-stellar opinion of the software on a number of different heads, (see: Jungle Disk 3.04 - Update From Hell) but today I noticed an 800mb data transfer in process and wondered what it was - so large - that I was unexpectedly backing up. Upon investigation I found that Jungle Disk was re-uploading a certain collection of videos and other files which I'd recently gathered together and moved into their own sub-folders. Now, these files had all existed in the backup previously, they were just moved one folder deeper from their last position.
I personally find it ludicrous that an online file backup system should be unable to deal with a simple move operation like this, without uploading the whole file's content a second time. There's hash data, modified dates, file sizes, file sampling, and so forth... all which could be used to recognize these changes to say: "Hey wait, this file is already on the server, it's just somewhere else in the file tree now. I don't need to upload the data again, I can just modify the associated meta data."
Today's 800Mb's pushed me over the edge and set me on the search for some other software solution that will quietly run in the background and let me backup to S3. Yes, Jungle Disk has so disappointed me that I'm willing to re-upload my entire data set at Amazon's usual 85Kbps just to be rid of them. I'm making inquiries now. I'll report any success using other software.
'Jitensha' Tab by Oreskaband
My first official guitar tablature. ...by Youtube request.
[Watch my cover HERE.]
[Watch my cover HERE.]
'Jitensha' by Oreskaband (Ore Ska Band)
Tabbed by Roy Tousignant
June 10th, 2010
I should note that this is my way of playing 'Jitensha'
on an accoustic guitar for the purpose of a live, solo
performance. It is not 100% faithful to the band version.
F5 Eaug5 D5 Bb5 C5
E|---- |---- |---- |---- |----
B|---- |---- |---- |---- |----
G|---- |---- |---- |---- |----
D|-10- |-10- |-7-- |---- |----
A|-8-- x16 |-7-- x16 |-5-- x16 |-8-- x8 |-10- x8
E|---- |---- |---- |-6-- |-8--
F5 Eaug5 D5 Bb5
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|-10- |-10- |-7-- |----
|-8-- x16 |-7-- x16 |-5-- x16 |-8-- x16
|---- |---- |---- |-6--
A5 D5 Bb5
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|---- |-7-- |----
|-7-- x8 |-5-- x8 |-8-- x16
|-5-- |---- |-6--
A5 D5 Bb5 C5 C5 (staggered tempo)
|---- |---- |---- |---- |-------
|---- |---- |---- |---- |-------
|---- |---- |---- |---- |-------
|---- |-7-- |---- |---- |-------
|-7-- x8 |-5-- x8 |-8-- x16 |-10- x9 |-10---- x3
|-5-- |---- |-6-- |-8-- |-8-----
-Chorus Chords-
FMaj EmAug5 Dm Bb
|-1-- |---- |-1-- |-1--
|-1-- |---- |-3-- |-3--
|-2-- |-0-- |-2-- |-3--
|-3-- |-2-- |-0-- |-3--
|-3-- |-3-- |-0-- |-1--
|-1-- |-3-- |-x-- |-1--
-Bridge 1-
Bb5 A5 G5 C5
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|-8-- |-7-- |-3-- |-10-
|-8-- x8 |-7-- x8 |-3-- x8 |-10- x8
|-6-- |-5-- |-5-- |-8--
Bb5 A5 G5 F5
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|-8-- |-7-- |-3-- |-3--
|-8-- x8 |-7-- x8 |-3-- x6 |-3-- x1
|-6-- |-5-- |-5-- |-1--
-Bridge 2-
Bb5 A5 G5 C5
|---- |---- |---- |---- -|
|---- |---- |---- |---- -|
|---- |---- |---- |---- -| x3
|-8-- |-7-- |-5-- |-10- -|
|-8-- x3 |-7-- x3 |-5-- x3 |-10- x7 -|
|-6-- |-5-- |-3-- |-8-- -|
Bb5 A5 C5
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|-8-- |-7-- |-10-
|-8-- x3 |-7-- x3 |-10- x8 Pause x6
|-6-- |-5-- |-8--
Bb5 A5 G5 C5
|----------------------5------5--5------5--| x3
F5 C5 Bb5 D5 Bb5 E5 F5
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