[Watch my cover HERE.]
'Jitensha' by Oreskaband (Ore Ska Band)
Tabbed by Roy Tousignant
June 10th, 2010
I should note that this is my way of playing 'Jitensha'
on an accoustic guitar for the purpose of a live, solo
performance. It is not 100% faithful to the band version.
F5 Eaug5 D5 Bb5 C5
E|---- |---- |---- |---- |----
B|---- |---- |---- |---- |----
G|---- |---- |---- |---- |----
D|-10- |-10- |-7-- |---- |----
A|-8-- x16 |-7-- x16 |-5-- x16 |-8-- x8 |-10- x8
E|---- |---- |---- |-6-- |-8--
F5 Eaug5 D5 Bb5
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|-10- |-10- |-7-- |----
|-8-- x16 |-7-- x16 |-5-- x16 |-8-- x16
|---- |---- |---- |-6--
A5 D5 Bb5
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|---- |-7-- |----
|-7-- x8 |-5-- x8 |-8-- x16
|-5-- |---- |-6--
A5 D5 Bb5 C5 C5 (staggered tempo)
|---- |---- |---- |---- |-------
|---- |---- |---- |---- |-------
|---- |---- |---- |---- |-------
|---- |-7-- |---- |---- |-------
|-7-- x8 |-5-- x8 |-8-- x16 |-10- x9 |-10---- x3
|-5-- |---- |-6-- |-8-- |-8-----
-Chorus Chords-
FMaj EmAug5 Dm Bb
|-1-- |---- |-1-- |-1--
|-1-- |---- |-3-- |-3--
|-2-- |-0-- |-2-- |-3--
|-3-- |-2-- |-0-- |-3--
|-3-- |-3-- |-0-- |-1--
|-1-- |-3-- |-x-- |-1--
-Bridge 1-
Bb5 A5 G5 C5
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|-8-- |-7-- |-3-- |-10-
|-8-- x8 |-7-- x8 |-3-- x8 |-10- x8
|-6-- |-5-- |-5-- |-8--
Bb5 A5 G5 F5
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |---- |----
|-8-- |-7-- |-3-- |-3--
|-8-- x8 |-7-- x8 |-3-- x6 |-3-- x1
|-6-- |-5-- |-5-- |-1--
-Bridge 2-
Bb5 A5 G5 C5
|---- |---- |---- |---- -|
|---- |---- |---- |---- -|
|---- |---- |---- |---- -| x3
|-8-- |-7-- |-5-- |-10- -|
|-8-- x3 |-7-- x3 |-5-- x3 |-10- x7 -|
|-6-- |-5-- |-3-- |-8-- -|
Bb5 A5 C5
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|---- |---- |----
|-8-- |-7-- |-10-
|-8-- x3 |-7-- x3 |-10- x8 Pause x6
|-6-- |-5-- |-8--
Bb5 A5 G5 C5
|----------------------5------5--5------5--| x3
F5 C5 Bb5 D5 Bb5 E5 F5
Thank you for posting this.